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The Quantum Leap VS. Disruption of Mediocracy in Manufacturing

John R. Costanza, Author
Disruption of Mediocracy in Manufacturing, Leadership Without Working Capital

The Quantum Leap, focused on introducing the technology and tying it together in the Demand Flow® business strategy. DFT was new technology that was far different from the philosophic new theories at that time, i.e.; Just-In-Time Inventory, MRP Lot Size of One, Agile, One-Less at a time, Zero Inventory, Continuous Improvement, and Demand Scheduling.

Disruption starts with the benefit of a strong foundation built on three decades of practitioner and consulting experience along with 84,000 DFT graduates and hundreds of DFT implementations around the world. Disruption not only defines the technology, but it is focused on the implementation. It benefits with the proven implementation foundation from hundreds of manufacturing industries and focuses on the essential leadership, Flow Technology, implementation steps and systems to take manufacturing to the next level in Global Manufacturing Excellence.

Disruption also looks and compares DFT to the current philosophical theories of lean, agile, waste elimination and ERP Demand Planning. In addition, it expands the mixed-model technology and electronic Kanban communication to tie the methodology and tools to the next generation of manufacturing systems to finally eliminate the ERP scheduling nuisance. Disruption will continue to grow to provide case studies of unique implementations and management leadership successes.

My objective is to provide the motivation, confidence and tools for companies to make the transition from scheduling (push) to the more competitive Demand pull and Flow manufacturing excellence. The DFT benefits are impressive for employees, as well as shareholders. From a happier and more involved workforce, to a financially impressive management team that leads without unnecessary working capital. DFT is a revolution in Flow design and a never-ending evolution toward Process Perfection. Once the tools and technology of DFT are understood and implemented, competitive leadership will follow.


"Over the past decade, I have seen companies lose their drive and passion for manufacturing excellence and settle for mediocre performance. At the same time, they pursue philosophical and feel-good theories that have a minimal impact to the bottom line or the company’s competitiveness."

John R. Costanza


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